Kriya Yoga is the sadhana of materialization (Shristi Chakra) as well as Dematerialization (Sanghaar Chakra). A Kriya Yoga sadhak is blessed with inlimited abundance and thus leading a very blissful and content life he/she gradually moves towards self-realization which is the ultimate reality. Kriya Yoga begins where the Quantum Physic is ends. It is the science of understanding the Microcosm and the Macrocosm.
Kriya Yoga is the Science of Materialization. When our level of consciousness gets raised the Sree Chakra residing in us starts vibrating at a very high frequency, thereby materializing whatever we want to achieve in the life -Good Health, Prosperity, Relationship, Success, Happiness, the list is endless. A Kriya Yoga sadhak has the powers to achieve and materialize whatever he/she wants in life - Like the Celestial Tree all the his/her wishes and desire get fulfilled.

The significance of Sree Chakra Datta Sree Pada Sree Sai Peadam at Melsirunai, about 10 Kms. from Kancheepuram – will be experienced by strict spiritual seekers who step in there, as the spot has been sanctified since aeons, that whoever steps in there will have his chakras (energy centres in his energy body) stirred and activated appropriately as per his stage of awareness. This temple has been founded by Sree Datta chosen instrument Sree Matha Vallabha Nanda Mayi, who serves as a powerful centre, in receiving and transmitting the Master’s energy. The ancient yogic science of Kriya, in simpler terms descended on her – having directly handed down by Adi Guru Dattatreya. It is Lord Datta is vision, at this very spot, where Akshaya Lingeswarar received grand worship, over a thousand years ago, and where spiritual seekers gathered aeons ago – be revived back, and as a start of this grand program, that the temple is built and consecrated as a first step. Going forward, a massive spiritual university is to spring up at this very place, for earnest seekers of Spirituality from across the world. This sacred temple will be significant in transforming the devotees to higher states of consciousness. It is not something anew. What was happening over a thousand years ago, in that sacred spot – is simply being revived again by the grace of Datta.

The knowledge of the same had been passed on to Sree Matha Vallabha Nanda Mayi, through a dream vision graced by Maha Periyava of Kancheepuram. It only confirmed the fact, which was already told to her, by Lord Datta, several years ago before discovering the ancient spot. It is also being reaffirmed by several devotees who have been graced with dreams or visions in meditations, where they were told the significance of this very spot, where the temple stands. An elderly sage from Kancheepuram Mutt too, visited the team and personally told Sree Vallabha Nanda Mayi on the same knowledge which was already known to him. This event happened before the construction of the temple commenced. Now, the timeline being ripe – Sree Dattatreya chooses to establish the subtle period in the Kali yuga, by ushering in the Golden Age (Satya Yugam). For this purpose, He sends out a loud call to His devotees and believers, spread across the globe. Individuals who with faith, respond to the Master’s call can join in the grand program of re-establishing the Satya yuga. As a matter of fact – the golden state of existence is to be experienced by the individual, foremost. When there is absence of fear, distress, anxiety, or pain – then, that itself is the state of liberation. When wisdom dawns and there is the experience of permanent peace – this itself is the Golden State of Existence. This experience is what the Guru strives to lead His seekers to. He, the Adi Guru graced the earth in several forms and names, with the same purpose. He continues to awaken His devotees spread in different parts of the earth. As collective souls wake up to experiencing this golden state of existence within them – then the Golden Age is ushered on a universal level.